Exmissions — The Saul and Carole Zabar Nursery School

Exmissions Support

Exmissions is a process by which a student exits from nursery school and is admitted to an ongoing school, typically for kindergarten and sometimes for Pre-K.

During your time at the JCC nursery school, our pledge to you is to offer comprehensive exmissions support. Together, our school director, Shari Pick Taishoff, and our associate director, Alex Reynolds, partner with families to guide and support them throughout the exmissions process. We know that while the nursery years are of foundational importance in a child’s life, we are also responsible for guiding you through the next steps of your child’s journey.


While there are more details along the way, this brief overview will help contextualize the information presented below:

  • March – Exmissions 101; schedule individual meeting with Shari or Alex (for families who will begin the process that fall)

  • September – Private school applications go live; due by November

  • October – Public school workshop with Robin Aronow, renowned school consultant

  • February – Private school admissions notifications sent out

  • April through June – Public school placement and registration finalized


Here is what you can expect from us along the way

Exmissions 101

We encourage all of our exmitting families to attend this evening workshop in mid-March, at which we discuss the entire exmissions process from start to finish, for public and private school options. This is the “kickoff” of the exmissions season for children who will be applying out the following school year. The private school exmissions season lasts until the following February, when families are notified of their admissions decisions.

Public school workshop

Each October, we provide an evening workshop with Robin Aronow, a renowned school consultant, to review the plethora of public school options available in NYC.  This is a well-attended event and helps parents sift through public options such as local zones, Gifted and Talented, Hunter, Special Music School, Manhattan School for Children, charter schools, dual-language, and more. Families are informed of public school placement at various points throughout the spring.

Ongoing support

Shari and Alex meet with each family individually shortly after the Exmissions 101 workshop in March, and then on an as-needed basis throughout the season. We are available in-person, over the phone, and via email throughout your exmissions process. Our responsibility is to ensure that you have the support and information you need, and to advocate for your child along the way.

additional information

  • Each year we support 40-60 families on their exmissions process.

  • Typically we see approximately 60% of our families matriculate to private school and 40% matriculate to public school.

  • The public schools most attended by our families are PS 9, PS 87, PS 452, and PS 199, as well as Gifted and Talented Programs.

  • The private schools most attended by our families include Ethical Culture Fieldston School, Heschel, Rodeph Sholom, Columbia Grammar, Riverdale, Dalton, and Bank Street.

  • Children attending NYC public kindergarten must turn five on or before December 31 of their kindergarten year.

  • Children attending NYC private schools typically turn five prior to September 1 of their kindergarten year. Many schools recommend children with June/July/August birthdays “wait a year” and begin kindergarten after their sixth birthday.


Full list of schools

Below is a list of schools where our students have been accepted over the years; each school name links to the school website.
P: Has a Pre-K program   
B: All boys   
G: All girls   
S: Special needs   
J: Jewish   
*: Child from our school accepted for the 2019-2020 school year

